
Power Factor

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3 Steps to Calculate Required Reactive Power for PF correction
3 Steps to Calculate Required Reactive Power for PF correction 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Use these simple 3 steps to calculate required reactive power required for power factor correction.

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5 Types of Power Factor Correction | Capacitor bank locations
5 Types of Power Factor Correction | Capacitor bank locations 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Capacitor banks are the most commonly used way for power factor correction. Now, it is important to understand where the capacitors are to be installed? So, if you want to get the details you need to watch the video.

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Top 3 Ways to Improve Power Factor
Top 3 Ways to Improve Power Factor 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Improve power factor using these 3 ways. Know about the 3 most commonly used ways of improving power factor i.e. capacitor banks, synchronous condenser & Phase advancer.

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How to improve Power Factor? The Basic Principle
How to improve Power Factor? The Basic Principle 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

In this tutorial, I’ll be talking about, the very basic principle for improving power factor. Which will help you to understand how you can improve power factor. So, let’s start.

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Top 4 reasons why to improve Power Factor
Top 4 reasons why to improve Power Factor 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

In this tutorial, we’ll learn about the top 4 reasons why we should improve power factor. We’ll also understand why we should try to maintain the power factor for the system or machineries near to unity (1). So, let’s start.

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What is Power factor ? Easiest Explanation
What is Power factor ? Easiest Explanation 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Learn the basics of power factor, in the easiest way. I have a motor whose power factor is 0.7. But I really don’t know what that means. What is the exact meaning of power factor & what 0.7 indicates?

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