

Electrical Engineering In Easiest Way
Top 4 reasons why to improve Power Factor
Top 4 reasons why to improve Power Factor 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

In this tutorial, we’ll learn about the top 4 reasons why we should improve power factor. We’ll also understand why we should try to maintain the power factor for the system or machineries near to unity (1). So, let’s start.

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What is Power factor ? Easiest Explanation
What is Power factor ? Easiest Explanation 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Learn the basics of power factor, in the easiest way. I have a motor whose power factor is 0.7. But I really don’t know what that means. What is the exact meaning of power factor & what 0.7 indicates?

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1 Phase Power vs 3 Phase Power
1 Phase Power vs 3 Phase Power 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Difference between 1 phase power & 3 phase power. Why 3 phase power is preferred over 1 phase power? Answers in the tutorial.

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What is RMS value? Easiest Explanation
What is RMS value? Easiest Explanation 750 500 Gaurav Joshi

The video will help you to learn the basics about RMS value. The RMS value is an important term in electrical engineering.

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Conductance, Susceptance & Admittance | Explained
Conductance, Susceptance & Admittance | Explained 750 422 Gaurav Joshi

Conductance, Susceptance & Admittance. Confused in these terms? The video will clear your confusion.

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Active, Reactive & Apparent Power | Easiest Explanation
Active, Reactive & Apparent Power | Easiest Explanation 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Knowledge of active, reactive and apparent power is a must for an Electrical Engineer. To have crystal clear explanation watch the tutorial.

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Series and parallel connection: For beginners
Series and parallel connection: For beginners 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

Understand series and parallel connection with the water and pump example and with the easiest explanation. Also, find out how voltage and current behaves in series and parallel connection.

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Things you don’t know about SF6 gas!
Things you don’t know about SF6 gas! 480 360 Gaurav Joshi

We’ll explore the different & important things about the SF6 gas in this tutorial.

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A Ride through 33/11kV substation
A Ride through 33/11kV substation 480 360 Gaurav Joshi

Learn about 33/11kV substation. A ride through the substation, we’ll go through the substation and have a close look at the design and equipment used.

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Resistance Vs Reactance Vs Impedance
Resistance Vs Reactance Vs Impedance 480 360 Gaurav Joshi

Confused between resistance, reactance, and impedance? Don’t worry, the video is here to clear your confusion. Watch and understand

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