
All Tutorials

Switchgear Basics

Electrical Basics

Resistance Vs Reactance Vs Impedance
Resistance Vs Reactance Vs Impedance 480 360 Gaurav Joshi

Confused between resistance, reactance, and impedance? Don’t worry, the video is here to clear your confusion. Watch and understand

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Current lags voltage in an inductor, Why? Explained
Current lags voltage in an inductor, Why? Explained 711 400 Gaurav Joshi

Inductor’s basic property to keep current constant causes current to lag behind the voltage. If you want to know how this happens, watch the video.

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Basics of an Inductor |Easiest explanation
Basics of an Inductor |Easiest explanation 711 400 Gaurav Joshi

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss basics of an inductor with the easiest explanation. How inductor stores energy? Why inductor is always in coil form? How you can change the value of inductance?

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How capacitor keeps voltage constant | Explained
How capacitor keeps voltage constant | Explained 1024 576 Gaurav Joshi

We know that, capacitor is used to keep the voltage constant. But have you ever thought how capacitor keeps the voltage constant? How capacitor resist change in voltage?

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Nameplate Details

Power Factor

3 Phase system
